Waste Traceability

Monitoring the journey

Monitoring the journey of materials to close the loop

At Cyclefi we developed a quantitative waste performance technology to engage waste generators, collectors and processing facilities, to work together towards a common goal with a focus on transparency of processes and traceability of materials flows
We offer multiple collection solutions to match our customers’ local priorities and economic realities. Waste of the same type is taken to our collection centers where it is compacted before being sent to the appropriate site for sorting or treating.
Waste Traceability

We build digital tools to trace the material flows of waste

We are adding smart technology, transparency and traceability to make the waste management run more efficient with shared benefits for all stakeholders

Cyclefi developed a a cutting-edge, fully customizable technology to visualize the various types of materials flows that are included in the waste management. Cyclefi’ Material Flow Analysis is used to assess and map waste flows throughout the waste management system. Flows represent material pathways, quantified in tonnes per period of time (e.g day, week, month, year).
Waste Traceability