

An Android and IOS native mobile application to visualize insights and measurements from waste generation along with an effective gamified loyalty mechanism to reward citizen’s overall recycling performance

GOLDEN SEAL project proposes an integrated technology that combines multiple new technologies, each of which is committed to shaping a technological ecosystem entirely devoted to combating marine pollution. More specifically, these technologies are the following:
·        A Wireless Sensor Network based on Iot technologies, used to collect data concerning the pollution of beaches.
·        A pair of unmanned aerial vehicles (one airborne and one sea-surface) with built-in sensors, audiovisual equipment and wireless communication capability, in order to send data from the sensors, as well as images of the supervised area.
·        A Suite of Software Tools and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for data processing and analysis.
·        A cloud – based platform, which will take central control, monitor and feedback data generated by processing.
·        A networking platform on beaches implementing GOLDEN SEAL, with two-way communication with bathers.

Along with the use of the above-mentioned technologies that are centrally integrated within the framework of the 4th Industrial Revolution ( Industry 4.0), the project will introduce a Serious Game which is expected to play an important role in the successful outcome of the GOLDEN SEAL project, through:
a) attracting more competent authorities, by giving them as a reward the eco-label GOLDEN SEAL, and
b) encouraging citizens through the gamification approach, to become members of the ecosystem, by giving and receiving information about the beach in real time and participating in recycling actions.
In this way the GOLDEN SEAL project aims to raise awareness and motivation of citizens and tourists in the war against marine plastic pollution and be embraced in the same way as environmental labels, such as Blue Flag, in a reasonable time, so as to achieve its main objective of preventing waste from entering the marine environment, by promoting the active role of citizens, raising their awareness and strengthening the role of local authorities in reducing marine pollution.