Data Ai

Data analytics & AI to ensure speed & innovation


From the start, Cyclefi focused on solving cities’ greatest waste, energy and water challenges through forward-thinking urban design and cutting-edge technologies, to provide Circular Intelligence solutions.  

Cyclefi developed applications utilizing Big Data Science, Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies in the fields of Waste, Energy, Water and Management Systems, to enhance human insights and create new opportunities to improve efficiency.

Cyclefi developed a unique range of digital services that provides    
Using the Power of Data and the most advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies trained with our worldwide operational expertise, we tailor specific solutions to support our clients for their Ecological Transformation Journey, whether it’s tackling nexus challenge.
In a world driven by data and innovation, Cyclefi developed a groundbreaking digital offering that redefines the landscape of environmental resources, by fusing the power of data and advanced AI technology with the expertise of world-recognized specialists in the waste, energy and water fields to save resources and depollute our planet.
Leveraging our strong technical expertise on data engineering (Business Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning) and industrial process systems engineering, we provide services and digital tools for data analytics on resource data collections, decision support for industrial symbiosis networks, waste and by-product supply chain optimization, and environmental footprint reduction

Digital twins


What is Digital Twin Technology?

A digital twin is a virtual model of a physical object. It spans the object’s lifecycle and uses real-time data sent from sensors on the object to simulate the behavior and monitor operations. Digital twins can replicate many real-world items, from single pieces of equipment in a factory to full installations, such as wind turbines and even entire cities. Digital twin technology allows you to oversee the performance of an asset, identify potential faults, and make better-informed decisions about maintenance and lifecycle.
 Digital twins allow greater efficiency and precision in waste, energy and water management since they provide a virtual real-time representation of the systems and allow simulations and testing to optimize processes. Digital twins also enable more informed decision-making, as they provide a detailed visualization of the entire system, which facilitates the identification of problems and opportunities for improvement.
Using a combination of data and machine learning our technology builds a digital twin, or virtual copy, of the waste, energy and water landscapes in cities. This forms the basis for optimizing the process and resources.

Waste intelligence.

Our digital twin helps waste collectors and recycling companies better understand where what waste is expected. In combination with the optimization algorithms this helps find the most effective ways of upcycling the collected streams into new raw materials.

Connecting all players.

With the digital twin we connect all players in the waste process to facilitate the move to a circular way of working: what is waste for one, can be (made into) a valuable raw material for another

The best valorisation.

How can the collected waste stream best be recycled? What route to drive to pick up and drop off the waste streams most effectively? How can the quality of the waste be best maintained? Our tools give you full insight into the most optimal valorization of the various waste streams