Behavioral Science

We are the 1st behavioural science-led solution engineering company


Leveraging applied behavioral science to sustainability

At Cyclefi we address barriers to human persistence by implementing a Data-Driven Behavioral Design, which is fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI). In that direction, we delve deeper into behavioral insights and innovative solutions to apply the latest research in Behavioral Science, Psychology and Nudge Theory to design and deploy interventions and gamified elements, which are designed to overcome the behavioral, psychological, social, and practical barriers to sustainable behavior change.

We build digital tools to change behavior and reality, out of a deep understanding of human nature

What Do We Do?

Cyclefi specializes in solving problems by shaping behavior. The company Cyclefi brings together a multidisciplinary team of highly specialized researchers, technologists, UI designers, engineers, and social scientists with a long experience in designing and developing novel products and services. We use insights from the field of Behavioral Economics, technological tools and original methodologies of experiment, to create a change in complex sectors such as waste, energy and water, in creating proven, measurable and scalable solutions, for improving the quality of life for humans

What Do We Do?

Cyclefi specializes in solving problems by shaping behavior. The company Cyclefi brings together a multidisciplinary team of highly specialized researchers, technologists, UI designers, engineers, and social scientists with a long experience in designing and developing novel products and services. We use insights from the field of Behavioral Economics, technological tools and original methodologies of experiment, to create a change in complex sectors such as waste, energy and water, in creating proven, measurable and scalable solutions, for improving the quality of life for humans

The process

From concept to code, explore how we get our hands dirty with research, product, and marketing challenges

Research and Experimentation
Every challenge we address is analyzed and tested with various research methods. We explore and identify behavioral alternatives and conduct a large-scale field experiment.
Technology and Design
We create meaningful and measurable user experiences by understanding the psychology of end users. This allows us to shortcut trial-and-error and create the tools and interfaces based on research and development, data analysis, and user-interface expertise
Behavior Design
To change behavior, we need to assess the barriers to change. Integrating technology as web mobile, app, and interactive systems, with the tools of behavioral economics enables us to create effective and measurable solutions and to implement them on a large scale.